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Mixed materials

Pattern drafting objects


Here, I learnt how to pattern draft from 3D objects. I did this using a pear, first wrapping it in clingfilm and then masking tape. Subsequently, I drew around the shape starting from the bottom and adding notches so I know where my pattern lines up. I proceeded to cut around these lines and then cut pieces out where they curved. This meant that I could cut out 2D pieces to create a 3D object. This pattern could then be used to create the pair out of felt.

Making a mask


In this project I was introduced to new materials such as plastazote, worbla, varaform and fosshape. All these materials are used in creating models as they all worked in different ways and had different strengths. We were instructed to create animal masks using these materials. I made the base of my mask in plastazote, however when gluing my pieces together I was unsuccessful in achieving the shape I wanted. Due to its curved shape, I decided to make my mask based on a baby penguin. I used melted worbla to create the beak and then stuck cotton wool to look like fur. This was my first time using these materials and my mask was less successful then I'd have liked, therefore I would like to practice these skills in the future.

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